AB tarafından finanse edilen bir proje olan "Cezaevlerinde Teröristlerin ve Tehlikeli Suçluların Daha İyi Yönetimi ve Radikalleşmenin Önlenmesi" projesi için.
İngilizce ve Türkçe konuşan tam zamanlı dil danışmanlığında RTA'ya çeviri ve yorumlama işinde yardımcı olması için üniversite diploması (Ref. LA) ve Eşleştirme el kitabına ve görevlendirilebilecek diğer görevlere (RTAA) göre, RTA'ya yardımcı olmak üzere üniversite diplomasına sahip tam zamanlı bir RTA asistanı için (Ref. RTAA) alınacaktır. Brüt aylık maaş 2000 € olacaktır.
Konunun Orjinal metni aşağıdadır.
For Spanish Resident Twinning Adviser
Vacancy in an EU funded Project "TR 15 IPA JH 05 18 Better Management of Terrorists and Dangerous Offenders in Prisons and Prevention of Radicalization" starting January 2019, for 21 months, in Ankara.
• For an English - Turkish speaking full-time Language assistant with university degree to assist the RTA in translation and interpretat ion (Ref. LA)
The gross monthly salary will be 2000€. Candidates are asked to send their CVs and application letter giving reference to the interested position by e-mail only to: avlopezmuriel@gmail.com, fatihg849@gmail.com and sandra.mena@fiiapp.es not later than 26 December 2018. More information is available at
www.cfcu.gov.tr; www .adalet.gov.tr and www.fiiapp .org
For Resident Twinni ng Adviser
Vacancy in an EU funded Project entitled "TR 15 IPA JH 05 18 Better Management of Terrorists and Dangerous Offenders in Prisons and Prevention of Radicalization" starting January 2019, for 21 months, in Ankara.
• For an English - Turkish speaking full-time RTA assistant with university degree to assist the RTA with regard to his functions according to the twinning manual and other duties that may be assigned (Ref. RTAA)
The gross monthly salary will be 2000€. Candidates are asked to send their CVs and application letter giving reference to the interested position by e-mail only to:
avlopezmuriel @gmail.com, fatihg849@gmail.com and sandra.mena@fiiapp.es not later than 26 December 2018 . More information is available at
www.cfcu.gov.tr ; www . adalet.gov. tr and www.fiiapp.org